Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Antara Miyagi dan Miyabi

ok, all eye and heart on japan for the catastrophic disaster. aku paham.. dan aku turut bersimpati dengan nasib dorang. korang relek dulu ek, entry ni bukan untuk make fun or anything. aku pun mengharap mangsa-mangsa di jepun semua selamat.

seharian duduk kat workstation hari nih, yang boleh buat cuma baca online paper je kalau tak de kerje. lepas satu-satu portal berita aku bukak. belom sampai pukul 12 lagi dah hampir semua paper online aku usha. so aku bukak arkib kosmo yang 2 3 hari lepas. terpesona aku baca...korang tau tak, rakyat indonesia memang concern giler-giler dekat japanese. lepas bencana di miyagi, sendai, tokyo dan bandar-bandar lain di jepun rakyat indonesia terus tertanya-tanya keadaan miyabi aktress kesayangan dorang..

sape tak kenal miyabi..?? hahahaha cuba google "miyabi" ataupun "maria ozawa". pilih image, tengok betol-betol..mungkin korang akan cam beliau dalam salah satu movie or drama yang korang pernah tengok.

petikan dari kosmo
"Para peminatnya di Indonesia yang mengenalinya dengan gelaran Miyabi tertanya-tanya keadaan pelakon itu selepas bencana tersebut."

 full article kosmo (klik sini)

p/s: my respect goes to all japanese on how well-trained they are to manage all this calamitous circumstances...(read this) will open your eye and worth every single minutes you spend here..

“One of the worst earthquakes in recorded history has hit the world’s most well-prepared, well-trained nations. The strength of its government and its people are put to the test. While there have been casualties, in no other country could the government and the people have worked together in such an accurate and coordinated way in the face of such tragedy. The Japanese people have shown their cultural ability to remain calm in the face of adversity.”- BBC Reporter

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